Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

I've been tagged by Tika Margareth Sooooo, 10 things that I love are:
My parents
My uber dirty light blue kipling bag (You have to see it later)
My friends
My w890i
My everbest
My blanket
My twitter account
My gray blazer
My school shoes
Had a super busy days at this week. Felt so tired, but it's fun enough. Last week was my first badminton exercise at school. I had a trouble of moving my right hand (Yes, I'm a right handed of course) and my leg after did those excercises haha.
Seems like I done all wrong hh, sorry for all of my trashes words here, this blog is my open-diary too so I want to tell you somethin' . I HATE this when I have to decide something, and the worst is you've decided to choose the wrong decision (?). In a simple word now I'm regret my decision. If now I'm still with my first decision, I have NO trouble now. I can breath freely at least. But what did I do? :( I'm not a happy person but someone told me that my mind is still pure, full of creativity that must be enhanced. Still "that man" said that I'm a kind person, open minded, polite, have no problems, not thinking about having a boyfriends (a bit wrong), have to enhance my knowledge, focuss on school (WRONG). But the truth I have a lot of problems and sometime I hide it by myself. I'm not sure with what I said before, or what I've done. Yes, that's me.
FORGET IT. Playing around agaaaaaaiiin
Could pass my mid test
Get a new camera from my mum
PENSAGA will be a very cool event, without no problems
Find someone or something who can make me feel better (yakss, too much mut!!)
Senin, 23 Agustus 2010
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010
Support earth hour 2010 and pray together at school

*Turn off your lights for only 60 minutes to bring world to a longer life :)
*Pray together with friends and teacher @ school for national exam. Yap this is me (left side) wore jilbab. What do you think? We're all cried and after praying together, we apologized to each other. The atmosphere last night seemed so poignant coupled with a rainy night. But I came home early than my friends because I was picked up by my father.
*Last thing. This is what I bring to my "learning space" ~> it can functionally as living room too
1. Flashdisk: to save the data especially for national exam test prediction
2. Question: I practice from here
3. Book: I learn the subject from here
4. Cable USB: transfer data (pictures) to laptop then upload it to this blog -_____-
Today I want to learn mathematics first. Then tomorrow, science. The night, Indonesian. Tomorrow after tomorrow: english. Tomorow after tomorrow tomorrow: mathematics. Tomorrow after tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow: science. HAHA then I can take a break from learning and studying but only for a while because Next Monday (April 5th) I have practice exam. Too bad I can only take a rest about 3 days. To be continued with the school final exam
Thanks for all readers, visitors, and followers :)
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010
Minggu, 10 Januari 2010
holiday project 2: bangles
From this thing into..
cute enough right? it's very easy :)