(from @hegabintang 's Display Picture)
GIGI performance

(from @watriwidyastuti 's Display Picture)
(from @rmy_hdr 's Display Picture)
(fireworks at the end of the event)
CONGRATULATION for all of the organizers of pensaga2011 teensational, it was success and every audiences love it! I'm sorry I didn't take many pictures, cause you know, I prefer to simply enjoy it than take too many pictures. That was fabulous night. And impressing for me. Well armand is very kind I think. Hope that next year can be greater than this hehehehehe ;)
Spotted: the new couple

colorbox jacket, gaudi plaid shirt worn as dress (mom's), mayonette bag, socks gallery navy blue socks, random accs
I want a lil bit scottish look so I grabbed this plaid shirt on my mom's closet :p
I knotted the shirt because it's too long for me, I didn't really mind to wear dress below my knees. I curled up my hair, as seen on the 2nd and 3rd picture, but it was very hot so I tied my hair like that, as seen at the next pictures. It's an outdoor concert; uh no no it's not a concert but it was "pentas seni" ;) so no surprises if the weather was hot.
Btw............... I'm in dilemma. Which one is more hurt, back to someone you love who has hurted you many times or let him go and be sad for unpredictable time?